Worship Your Lord Until Death Comes To You

You will find people in this world who deny the existence of ALLAH. You will find people, Who deny the existence of the Angels, Who deny the existence of the Heaven and Hell. You will find people, who even go to the extent of denying the Prophet-hood of the Great Prophets (pbut). But, that one person you will never find... Who denies the fact of... Death... That every single one of us, will one day... Die...

Worship your Lord, Worship ALLAH until the certainty (Yaqeen) comes to you... The experts in the Quran, are unanimous that here by the word (Yaqeen) the word certainty, ALLAH refers to Death... So worship your Lord, until Death comes to you...

Death is that certainty, No matter what you do... The Law of ALLAH is... EVERY SOUL MUST TASTE DEATH... The Angel of Death, He is not bothered, How powerful you are... The Angel of Death, is not bothered if you have got a Kingdom... The Angel of Death, will not be scared of you, If you're an oppressor... The Angel of Death, is not bothered if you're a rich person... If you've got power... He is not bothered if you got the money... That the Angel of Death, is not bothered who you are... He is not bothered, where you are... He is not bothered what you're doing... At your appointed time, you will find him in front of you... There, to take out your soul... and you will DIE...

At the appointed time, every single person has been given, An appointed time, a fixed term they will stay in this world. When your time comes, (at that time) not a minute earlier... not a minute later, exactly at that time the Angel of Death will be there to take your soul... Only ALLAH knows when your going to die, nobody besides ALLAH... So worship your Lord until Death comes to you...
