Events That Will Occur In Every Persons Life That Will Signal Death

Our PROPHET (PBUH) has explained in a detail and with great clarity the events that will occur in every person's life that will signal death. The journey of the soul will take as its experience of death. The very first sign of death is what the PROPHET (PBUH) called sakaraul mouth and ALLAH mentions it in the Quran 3:185 .“Every Soul Shall Taste Death”. Sakaratul mout is a pang of death, a type of pang that is something very unbearable. Our beloved PROPHET (PBUH) himself suffered from it before passed away. The mother of aumah AAISHA (radi allahu anhu) narrates that she entered the room of the Prophet (PBUH), he was tossing and turning in his bed and he was sweating profusely and he was rubbing the sweat from his forehead and said that ''verily death has these pangs'' and these pangs are not a sign of the evil, our PROPHET (PBUH) also suffered from it. It is simply the precursor the common precursor to the eventual coming of the angel of death.

PROPHET (PBUH) said when the person is about to leave the earth the angle of death is there and only one could see him ALLAH (swt) also mentions in Quran that this will happen, this is something you were running away from. ALLAH says ''you were attempting to deny this, you were ignoring this, you were ghafil about it. But today when the angle of death is sent to take off your soul we had lifted the covering now you will see the real world and that is the next life. The PROPHET (PBUH) said when the person sees the death of angle; it is a time where repentance and the hope of salvation will be cut off. Your repentance will not be entertained hereafter. If you are not righteous before you are not allowed to get righteous now.

The appearance of the angel of death at the time of death exclusively depends on your endeavor if we have done good deeds, the angle of death will appear pleasant to your eyes. On the other hand, if we committed too many sins all our life angle of death will appear ‘rotten and ugly’.

When the angle of death captures the soul of any individual his companion or any other who was there at this particular time is supposed to close the eyes of deceased. The PROPHET (PBUH) said that ‘’when the ROOH leaves the body. The eyes follow the soul up’’ the hadith is present in musnad imam Ahmad, it's authentic.

Dua when closing the eyes of the diseased O ALLAH FORGIVE-(so and so) – and raise his rank among the rightly guided, and be a successor to whom he has left behind, and forgive us and him O Lord of the worlds. Make spacious his grave and illuminate it for him(Muslim no 920; Abu Dawud no 3118).

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