My Biggest Fear Has Come True

My biggest fear has come true... that's why i don't trust people... I really can’t tell what exactly my greatest fear is, but I really have seen many of my fears coming true... And according to my experience, when your fears come true, you realize that you are no longer afraid of that thing... I was always afraid of parting from my parents, family and concerned ones... I had never imagined my life without them, and then I lost my father to a massive heart attack... I was devastated at that time, as if my own life has come to an end... But life is very unfair, sorrow teaches you a lot, As much as we'd like to live easy lives full of happiness and abundance, the reality is that life can be very difficult at times...

Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever... Sometimes they are only there long enough to teach you the lesson that you needed to learn...

Life Positive Truth: You never know when your biggest fears and worries will come true at any moment then you won't be able to do anything about it but rather you have to live with it every single day... Isn't it pathetic how we waste so much time on certain people and in the end they prove that they weren't even worth a second of it...
